There may never be a time in history when end times prophecy is more aligned with current events than it is today.

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Could we be living in the Last Days?

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Where Do We Go From Here

“Without hope, prophecy is a useless glimpse of the doom to come. With hope, prophecy is a useful picture of the glory to come.”

Dr. David Jeremiah’s three-step process infuses hope into each of the prophetic events unfolding around us.

Where Are We?

Take an honest look at ten critical and troubling issues we are currently experiencing in our culture.

What Does It Mean?

Dive into Scripture to see how these events are directly linked to biblical prophecy.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Receive practical biblical instruction for living with hope and courage in the face of these daunting prophetic happenings.

A Cultural Prophecy | Chapter 1


Are the public cries for shared wealth and government control a sign of the times?

An International Prophecy | Chapter 2


The world is getting smaller and more intertwined every day. Does the Bible predict this?

A Biological Prophecy | Chapter 3


Are the illnesses, plagues, and pestilence of our day signs we are living in the Last Days?

A Financial Prophecy | Chapter 4

Economic Chaos

Is our cashless society, cryptocurrency, and microchipping technology mentioned in Bible prophecy?

A Theological Prophecy | Chapter 5

The Falling Away

The Bible predicts the falling away of the Church. Is that what we are seeing today?

A Biographical Prophecy | Chapter 6

End Times People

Would you be surprised to know the decay of character is a precursor for Christ’s return?

A Political Prophecy | Chapter 7

Cancel Culture

Does Bible prophecy predict a time when society tries to silence the voices of morality?

A Spiritual Prophecy | Chapter 8

Spiritual Famine

Is the indifference to God being experienced in the world today a sign of we are living in the Last Days?

A Geographical Prophecy | Chapter 9


What role does Jerusalem play in the End Times drama unfolding around us?

The Final Prophecy | Chapter 10

The Triumph of the Gospel

As the world reels from the turmoil of our time, could we be looking in all the wrong places and at all the wrong people to find peace? Is the Gospel the solution to our broken world?

The Jesus You May Not Know


Unfolding before our eyes

Could we be living in the Last Days?

People have been asking this question for centuries! Perhaps this question is being asked more today than ever before.

There may never be a time in history when end times prophecy is more aligned with the culture and circumstances of the world than it is today.

It’s hard to ignore the prophetic signs playing out all around us. The “falling away” of the Church. The ravaging toll of pandemics. The silencing of Christians. The rise of globalism. A frail world economy. The fallout of socialism. Woke religion. Jerusalem’s prophetic role in the final days of this Earth. You don’t have to be a biblical scholar to see how Scripture predicted many of the events surrounding us. The prophecies about tomorrow reveal much about the problems of today.

But decoding these startling prophetic events can be confusing, and frankly, intimidating to understand. Bible prophecy can be both fascinating and frightening, but it doesn’t have to be. There is hope for us in the looming events of Bible prophecy!

If we explore the plan and place of prophecy in Scripture, we can discover God’s purpose for all the chaos around us. And this should give us hope.

While writing this Introduction, I’m watching the grim recovery efforts in Surfside, Florida, where the Champlain Towers South condominium collapsed in the dead of night, one floor pancaking onto the next, burying scores of people under tons of concrete. Most were sleeping in their beds, unaware of the suddenness of the coming catastrophe.

There had been signs, including warnings of water seeping beneath critical parts of the structure and weakening its integrity. But the alarm sounded too late.

Three thousand miles away, residents of San Francisco’s lavish Millennium Tower absorbed the news with apprehension. Their fifty-eight-story skyscraper with its dazzling views and luxury amenities has sunk eighteen inches into the soft downtown soil on which it was built. It’s tilting, and some view Surfside as a warning to the new Millennium.

I’m concerned about the new millennium too—our trembling twenty-first century. I’m burdened for the underpinnings of our culture, our eroding foundations and structural cracks. Like you, I’ve studied the signs of the times and believe we’re approaching a global cataclysm—one predicted in our Scriptures and unfolding before our eyes.

Dr. Jeremiah Talks with Sheila Walsh


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Warning Signs of the End Times
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Included with every book

Many people have tried to predict the date of Jesus’ return. However, the Bible tells us, “Of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but [the] Father only” (Matthew 24:36). Even so, we can see the Last Days drawing nearer with every passing second. While we cannot predict when Christ will return, we can “discern the signs of the times” (Matthew 16:3).

Warning Signs of the End Times, a new resource from Dr. David Jeremiah, gives a fascinating overview of the Rapture and the Second Coming. It outlines six signs of the Second Coming that Jesus lists in Matthew 24. Plus, it explains what the warnings mean and suggests practical ways we can live in light of them.

This exclusive resource is only available through Turning Point. When you request Where Do We Go From Here? we will automatically include a complimentary copy.

Limited-Time Bonus

Request Where Do We Go From Here Before Tuesday, OCT. 5, and Receive:

What is the Rapture?

What is the Second Coming of Christ?

Are they the same event—or are they different?

Dr. David Jeremiah explains these important events on the prophetic calendar in David Jeremiah’s Guide to The Rapture & The Second Coming.

This digital product contains:

Two digital audio messages

1. The Rapture of the Church

2. Stay Committed

Two digital Bible studies:

Easy to print-at-home!

1. The Rapture: Be Taken

2. The Second Coming: Be Patient

Christ’s return could occur at any moment! Learn what it means to “be taken” and “be patient” as you await Jesus’ return!

Limited Time Bonus! David Jeremiah's Guide to The Rapture & The Second Coming
2 Audio Messages
2 Bible Studies

Yours for a limited time when you preorder Dr. Jeremiah’s newest prophecy book, Where Do We Go From Here? before October 5!

Bible Prophecy Book Comparison

3 Unique Approaches to Bible Prophecy

Signs Signs

The Book
of Signs

Surveys 31 biblical prophecies with an emphasis on future events

Provides a comprehensive, multifaceted analysis of the End Times

Recommended for those seeking an immersive study of biblical prophecy in David Jeremiah’s signature, easy-to-understand style

Where Do We Go From Here?

Where Do We Go From Here?

Examines ten facets of biblical prophecy that are evident in our world today

Offers practical strategies and enduring hope for living in the days leading up to the Rapture

Recommended for all believers seeking to live by biblical convictions and stand in the spiritual gap until the Lord’s return

The World of the End The World of the End

The World of the End

Unpacks Matthew 24:1-14 at a time when Bible prophecy is intersecting with our culture, technology, unhinged morality, and worldwide strife as never before

Discover how the prophecies of Jesus can shape the way we live today and challenge us to prioritize our lives in light of His return

Recommended for anyone who desires to make the voice of Jesus a priority when viewing the prophetic events happening around us

Dr. David Jeremiah

Dr. David Jeremiah is one of America’s most trusted Bible teachers.

For more than 40 years he has helped millions deepen their understanding of the Bible through 4,552 daily Turning Point Radio releases and a daily Turning Point Television program that reaches millions of people globally.

Dr. Jeremiah has authored many books, including Overcomer, Everything You Need, The Book of Signs, Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven, and Forward.

Where Do We Go From Here



Where Do We Go From Here? hardback book (256 pages)

Warning Signs of the End Times Chart

Where Do We Go From Here

CD or DVD Set

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Where Do We Go From Here? hardback book (256 pages)

Warning Signs of the End Times Chart

Where Do We Go From Here? interview with Sheila Walsh on DVD

Correlating study guide with small group questions

The complete message series on DVD or CD

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Where Do We Go From Here 3-Pack


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You'll Also Receive:

3 copies of Where Do We Go From Here? hardback book (256 pages)

Warning Signs of the End Times Chart

Over the course of my 40 years of ministry, we have consistently seen that instruction on the topic of Bible prophecy brings more people to Christ than any other subject I teach.

- David Jeremiah

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