The most important thousand years most know nothing about.

The Millennium—the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth—occurs after the Rapture of the Church and the seven-year Tribulation but before the creation of the new heaven and the new earth, where believers will live eternally. And even though we’ll spend a lot of time in between living in this coming kingdom, most of us know very little about it.

Most days, peace feels elusive, and hope feels light-years away.
His coming victorious reign is what gives us the strength we need now.

The Coming Golden Age, pulls back the veil of mystery and misinformation about the Millennium to give you a taste of what life will be like when Christ the King rules upon the earth. Find biblical answers to many common questions about what we can expect to experience during this time.

Explore Turning Point's 2024 Fall Outreach

New Prophecy Book by Dr. Jeremiah

New Prophecy Book by Dr. Jeremiah

The King is on His way, and we are not mere spectators but active participants in the Millennium—a time that promises to reset all that is amiss and introduce a new Golden Age on earth!

Read with fresh eyes how the coming reign of Christ impacts us today! Preorder today and receive special bonus access!

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New! Coming Golden Age Interview

New! Coming Golden Age Interview

The world is closer than ever to welcoming Christ as King, reigning over a thousand years of peace and harmony. This is a topic of utmost importance. What do you need to know about it? Dr. David Jeremiah and guest Sheila Walsh sit down in the new Esbenshade studio with a live audience to discuss his new prophecy book, The Coming Golden Age, to help you understand what to expect in the Millennium—a thousand years of peace under Christ’s reign.

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Imagine A World Videos

IMAGINE A World Videos

Contrasting what we know about our world today with what the Bible says will happen in the Millennium takes some imagination! Can you imagine a world without war, disease, political turmoil?

Envision and share the possibilities of a hope-filled future in Jesus Christ with these thought-provoking videos.

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Man-on-the-Street Interviews

A Brighter Day Man-on-the-Street Interviews

Hear candid conversations and thoughts about the Millennium from our man-on-the-street interviews conducted in New York City. Questions big and small—from choosing any animal to be your pet to imagining a world without crime are posed to the public.

Compelling conversations that ultimately turn people’s attention to Jesus!

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Turning Point Television

Turning Point Television

Watch Dr. Jeremiah’s pulpit teaching—broadcast worldwide through Turning Point Television reaching homes, hospitals, prisons, airports, and anywhere people can access broadcast media.

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As Heard on Radio

As Heard on Radio

Sound Bible teaching is the focus of Dr. David Jeremiah’s messages on Turning Point Radio. You’ll not want to miss The Coming Golden Age series, which will remind us of the hope for our future that is assured in Jesus Christ!

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Free Digital Small Group & Church Outreach Kit

Free Digital Group Study Kit

Designed to guide your group of any size on an in-depth study on the Millennium, The Coming Golden Age digital kits are free upon request! Find everything you need to empower your group to be Kingdom-ready with this robust kit.

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Beyond the Imagination

Beyond the Imagination

Discover the heart behind The Coming Golden Age outreach—how it was conceived, written, executed and, more importantly, how we are trying to reach and impact the world with the Gospel.

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Daily Encouragement Delivered to Your Inbox

Daily Encouragement Delivered to Your Inbox

We are glad you’re here! Turning Point has been dedicated to delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world for over 40 years. Stay encouraged daily with devotions from Dr. Jeremiah delivered directly to your inbox!

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Support This Outreach

Support This Outreach

Support Turning Point as we continue to reach people worldwide with God’s Word. The mission field is ripe with opportunity. Help empower our efforts to continue taking major strides forward in sharing Bible-strong teaching in every way possible!

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Support This Outreach

Support This Outreach

Your faithfulness is not only inspiring, but also vital to what we do. Please prayerfully consider how you can invest in this outreach.

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Imagine What Our Prayers Can Do!

We ask you to pray for Turning Point’s fall 2024 outreach, The Coming Golden Age! Only God can bless and multiply our efforts.

We covet your partnership in prayer.

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