Turning Point Radio

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Dr. David Jeremiah


March 2025
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The Connecting Point of Grace
Captured by Grace
Do you remember the moment you accepted Christ as your Savior? That moment marked the end of your sinful past and the beginning of your redeemed future. Dr. David Jeremiah takes us to that moment in the Apostle Paul’s life – one of the most dramatic conversion stories of all time.
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The Confident Promise of Grace (Pt. 1)
Captured by Grace
God’s plans are always at work in your life. Even when you can’t see any sign of them. Even when they don’t make sense at the time. Does that make it hard to trust Him? Dr. David Jeremiah turns to Romans 8:28 to share the rock-solid assurance that God is always faithful.
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The Confusing Paradox of Grace (Pt. 2)
Captured by Grace
When God gives you grace in abundance throughout your life, you can’t help but respond by praising Him! Dr. David Jeremiah offers examples of this response from a man who received – and appreciated – God’s grace, perhaps more than anyone before or since: the Apostle Paul.
Digital Product
The Confusing Paradox of Grace (Pt. 1)
Captured by Grace
Sometimes the best way to see God’s grace at work in your life is to look back on a time of trouble and realize how He saw you through it. Dr. David Jeremiah shares about the Apostle Paul, who experienced one horrific struggle after another, yet consistently bore witness to God’s amazing grace.
Digital Product
The Connecting Point of Grace (Pt. 2)
Captured by Grace
It’s one of the great paradoxes of the Christian life: God’s grace isn’t found by those who hunt for it, but by those who allow themselves to become hunted. Dr. David Jeremiah returns to the book of Acts to share how this principle played-out in the conversion of the Apostle Paul.
Digital Product
The Connecting Point of Grace (Pt. 1)
Captured by Grace
Do you remember the moment you accepted Christ as your Savior? That moment marked the end of your sinful past and the beginning of your redeemed future. Dr. David Jeremiah takes us to that moment in the Apostle Paul’s life – one of the most dramatic conversion stories of all time.
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The Comforting Provision of Grace
Captured by Grace
When God gives you grace, you have access to eternal life. And that’s just the first of many other blessings. Dr. David Jeremiah sheds light on the additional benefits that flow from grace.
Digital Product
The Comforting Provision of Grace (Pt. 2)
Captured by Grace
If you’ve ever tried to count the blessings associated with God’s grace, you know that the treasured hymn is titled Amazing Grace for good reason. Dr. David Jeremiah continues his look at the many benefits related to grace, reflecting God’s desire for His children to have joy and contentment.
Digital Product
The Comforting Provision of Grace (Pt. 1)
Captured by Grace
When God gives you grace, you have access to eternal life – a gift that’s precious beyond words. But that’s just the first of many other blessings that come from grace. Dr. David Jeremiah sheds light on the additional benefits you can enjoy throughout your life as you live out your faith.
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The Clear Perspective of Grace (Pt. 2)
Captured by Grace
Perhaps you’ve prayed for the sensitivity to see others the way that God sees them. But what if you had the opportunity to see yourself the way God sees you? Would you do it? Dr. David Jeremiah explains how receiving God’s grace can open our eyes in that extraordinary kind of way.
Digital Product
The Clear Perspective of Grace (Pt. 1)
Captured by Grace
Has God helped you overcome blindness? Not necessarily by restoring your eyesight, but by helping you see something you’d never noticed before? Dr. David Jeremiah explains how God’s grace can help us see sin, injustice and other things to which we often turn a blind eye.
Digital Product
The Converting Power of Grace (Pt. 2)
Captured by Grace
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to hear Jesus teach? To know the context and backdrop of His parables that would give you greater perspective? Dr. David Jeremiah considers these aspects of the parable of the prodigal son, revealing surprising insights on God’s grace and Jesus’ purpose in sharing the story.
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The Captivating Presence of Grace
Captured by Grace
Selected Scripture  |  More Info »
If you think grace and mercy are just two words for the same thing, get ready to have your thinking changed profoundly. Dr. David Jeremiah explains why the difference is so important.
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The Converting Power of Grace (Pt. 1)
Captured by Grace
You’re probably familiar with the parable of the prodigal son and its depiction of grace. But like any great story, the more you study it, the more truth it reveals. Dr. David Jeremiah guides us deeper inside this familiar parable to help us more fully appreciate God’s gift of grace.
Digital Product
The Compassionate Plan of Grace (Pt. 2)
Captured by Grace
Are there mistakes in your past that are so serious, they make you wonder if God’s grace can cover them? Dr. David Jeremiah shares one of the most profound truths in all of Scripture: that no one is beyond the reach of God’s amazing grace.
Digital Product
The Compassionate Plan of Grace (Pt.1)
Captured by Grace
Most everyone appreciates the lyric: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.” The next line: “that saved a wretch like me,” is far less popular, but it carries an essential truth. Dr. David Jeremiah explains why we must understand the wretchedness of sin before we can know the sweetness of grace.
Digital Product
The Captivating Presence of Grace (Pt. 2)
Captured by Grace
Selected Scripture  |  More Info »
If you think grace and mercy are just two words for the same thing, get ready to have your thinking changed profoundly. Dr. David Jeremiah explains the difference between the two terms, and why that difference is so important to your spiritual life.
Digital Product
The Captivating Presence of Grace (Pt. 1)
Captured by Grace
Selected Scripture  |  More Info »
It stands in such stark contrast to our self-absorbed society and our own human nature that we have little choice but to call it “amazing.” It is grace, and Dr. David Jeremiah begins a series focused on this divine gift and the beloved hymn it inspired.
Digital Product
How to Really Be Happy
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
No generation in history has had more affluence, more opportunity, or more ways to be educated, informed and entertained. Yet most of us say we’re not truly happy. Why? Dr. David Jeremiah says we’re searching for it in all the wrong places. Discover what Jesus taught about happiness.
Digital Product
How to Really Be Happy (Pt. 2)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
If you’re a Christian, you’re living in two worlds, but only one of them can make you happy. Dr. David Jeremiah completes his series, How to be Happy According to Jesus, with a look at the tension between this fallen world and your heavenly home, and why your happiness hangs in the balance.
Digital Product
How to Really Be Happy (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
No generation in history has had more affluence, more opportunity, or more ways to be educated, informed and entertained. Yet most of us say we’re not truly happy. Why? Dr. David Jeremiah says we’re searching for it in all the wrong places. Discover what Jesus taught about happiness.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Harassed (Pt. 2)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
When we’re being attacked, our natural response might be anger, protection, confusion, even retaliation. But gladness? Does God really expect us to be happy in persecution? Dr. David Jeremiah takes a closer look at the special kind of joy that comes from taking a stand for Christ.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Harassed (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
Have you been badgered or bullied because of your faith? Persecution is a fact of life for Christians, but don’t be discouraged. Dr. David Jeremiah reminds us of another fact of life for believers who suffer oppression: Jesus offers a special blessing in His best-known sermon.
Digital Product
Happy are the Healers (Pt. 2)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” And the world certainly needs them now, perhaps more than ever before—in our homes, in our workplaces, even in our churches. Dr. David Jeremiah sheds light on what it takes to be a peacemaker and bring healing to battered relationships.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Helpers (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of mercy, you know how good it feels. In fact, the only thing better than receiving mercy is giving it. Dr. David Jeremiah shares powerful stories from God's Word that contain heavenly insights on mercy.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Healers (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
Christians enjoy the assurance of being at peace with God. But did you know there are other kinds of peace that can exist between us and the Lord? Dr. David Jeremiah explores the happiness that comes from living peacefully.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Holy (Pt. 2)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
God has a plan for our life…so does Satan. How can we defeat the devil’s schemes and embrace the life God intends for us to live? Dr. David Jeremiah shares some proven strategies for keeping the enemy at bay and keeping our heart clean before the Lord.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Holy (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
As Christians, we are called to keep our minds pure, even when the world actively works to corrupt us. Does it sound like an impossible mission? Dr. David Jeremiah shares practical, biblical tips for maintaining a clean mind in a fallen world.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Helpers (Pt. 2)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
In a culture built on getting even and getting ahead, the idea of showing mercy just doesn’t seem to fit in. But in fact, mercy is an essential component of a happy life. Dr. David Jeremiah continues his look at this quality which often seems to be in short supply in today’s world.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Helpers (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of mercy, you know how good it feels. In fact, the only thing better than receiving mercy is giving it. Dr. David Jeremiah shares powerful stories from God's Word that contain heavenly insights on mercy.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Hurting
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
If you’ve experienced grief, Jesus said there’s a special blessing reserved just for you. Dr. David Jeremiah sheds light on that blessing, and on how God can turn sorrow into satisfaction.
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The Confident Promise of Grace (Pt. 2)
Captured by Grace
When everything seems to be going wrong, it’s tempting to think that perhaps God is withholding His grace from your life. Dr. David Jeremiah explains that God’s grace is always present in your time of need, just as it was for two Old Testament figures who went through terrible trials.
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The Compelling Prospect of Grace (Pt. 1)
Captured by Grace
It’s the essential ingredient to the most priceless gift of all: salvation. But unlike other precious resources, grace is available in abundance! Dr. David Jeremiah shares the encouraging truth that God offers more than enough grace to cover every sin, ensuring His children an eternity in Heaven.
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The Compelling Prospect of Grace (Pt. 2)
Captured by Grace
Ask most Christians to describe Heaven, and you’re likely to hear about mansions, streets of gold and worship around the Father’s throne. Dr. David Jeremiah focuses on one aspect of Heaven that’s obvious but often overlooked: the total absence of sin.
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The Continual Praise of Grace (Pt. 1)
Captured by Grace
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
The words “grace” and “gratitude” are very close, and not just in the dictionary. Dr. David Jeremiah considers why gratitude should be the natural response from those who have been on the receiving end of God’s grace. Does your life reflect gratitude to God?
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The Continual Praise of Grace (Pt. 2)
Captured by Grace
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
Have you ever considered that the grace you’ve received here on earth is actually your first taste of eternity? Dr. David Jeremiah shares how Scripture describes the never-ending praise and thanksgiving that will take place in Heaven as a result of God’s grace.
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