Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through September

Every three months we offer a new set of select radio series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

6 Messages

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The Importance of Worship

My Heart's Desire

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The Importance of Worship

6 Messages
22 Messages

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Introduction to David

The Tender Warrior

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Introduction to David

22 Messages
12 Messages

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Joshua's Great Commission

A Nation in Crisis

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Joshua's Great Commission

12 Messages
12 Messages

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The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

The Word: David Jeremiah's Signature Series on the Bible

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The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

12 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

September topic: Encouragement

Access the Bible Strong Living Library now to hear Dr. Jeremiah’s insight on a wide variety of biblical topics, and stock up on the helpful topic resources that are included with each volume.

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A Nation in Crisis

Message 1: Joshua's Great Commission

In this message, we see what God did in the first nine verses of Joshua 1. The Lord Himself prepared Joshua for his new assignment. The words that the Lord gave to Joshua are words that should encourage us as we prepare for the transitions in our lives. Covers Joshua 1:1-9.

A Nation in Crisis

Message 1: Joshua's Great Commission

In this message, we see what God did in the first nine verses of Joshua 1. The Lord Himself prepared Joshua for his new assignment. The words that the Lord gave to Joshua are words that should encourage us as we prepare for the transitions in our lives. Covers Joshua 1:1-9.


Joshua's Great Commission

In this message, we see what God did in the first nine verses of Joshua 1. The Lord Himself prepared Joshua for his new assignment. The words that the Lord gave to Joshua are words that should encourage us as we prepare for the transitions in our lives. Covers Joshua 1:1-9.


Mobilizing the People

Sometimes God give us very clear instruction. His command jumps right out of the Word to us. Instead of obeying God and getting blessing, we talk about it, dialogue, we put it on a time plan and we miss out on what God wants for us. Often, the longer you delay the hard things, the harder they get. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 1:10-18.


The Scarlet Cord

Hebrews 11 records the salvation experience of a woman who wouldn't even be mentioned were it not for her experience with the terror of the Lord. Her name is Rahab, and her tale is told in the second chapter of Joshua. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 2:1-24.


Crossing the Jordan

If we are honest, most of us will admit that we can deal with things that have a precedent, but walking into uncharted territory provokes fear. Joshua and his people are about to experience that. They were standing at the watershed of history. Behind them, the wilderness; in front of them, the Promised Land. In these last moments of their journey, before they were ordered to march through the water, they felt the same kind of fear that you and I feel when we stand at our Jordan River. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 3:1-17.


Monuments of Victory

The fourth chapter of Joshua presents the dynamic truth that the hope of the future is based on the memories of the past, and that that gives meaning to the present. The chapter teaches us the importance of remembering. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 4.


Consecration at Gilgal

As we read the fifth chapter of Joshua, we see that it unfolds for us five timeless principles of a winning team, or of an accomplishment-oriented group. These principles will definitely work today, whatever our endeavor. They are certainly applicable to the church of Jesus Christ, for we have been called to a great warfare. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 5:1-12.


The Captain's Captain

In this message, we will learn about the condition, courage, communication, and conclusion of God's revelation to Joshua. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 5:13-15.


Conquest of Jericho

Jericho is one of the three largest cities in Canaan, and it was right in the middle of the valley that separated north from south. The north and the south were both isolated, and the latter part of the Book of Joshua is spent talking about the attack on the north, then the south. There is one thing that the whole scenario starts with: A Promise. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 6.


Sin in the Camp

There is a principle at work in Joshua 7: Whenever we have victory or success, we are at the most vulnerable point for the evil one to destroy our lives. It is true that success is very difficult for people to handle. Many people handle defeat and discouragement better than they handle success. We see that in Joshua's involvement with the city of Ai. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 7.


Victory at Ai

God made a very strong point by allowing the armies of Israel to lose their first battle. He helped them realize that if they did not do things His way, they would not succeed. They were ready to move from defeat to victory. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 8.


When the Sun Stood Still

When Joshua's integrity was challenged, his mighty men joined him to defeat the wicked people of Canaan. If integrity is keeping a commitment after the circumstances have changed, then Joshua demonstrated his integrity. He had been deceived; nevertheless, he kept his word. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 10.


The Captain's Last Sermon

In the last chapter of Joshua, we read his parting words to the nation of Israel. His concern is that they remain close to the Lord in all things. If you only had one message to give before you die, what would it be? Joshua had one last message to send, and he shared it with his people. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 24.

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