Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through September

Every three months we offer a new set of select radio series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

6 Messages

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The Importance of Worship

My Heart's Desire

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The Importance of Worship

6 Messages
22 Messages

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Introduction to David

The Tender Warrior

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Introduction to David

22 Messages
12 Messages

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Joshua's Great Commission

A Nation in Crisis

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Joshua's Great Commission

12 Messages
12 Messages

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The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

The Word: David Jeremiah's Signature Series on the Bible

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The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

12 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

September topic: Encouragement

Access the Bible Strong Living Library now to hear Dr. Jeremiah’s insight on a wide variety of biblical topics, and stock up on the helpful topic resources that are included with each volume.

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The Tender Warrior

Message 1: Introduction to David

He is the central figure of the Old Testament – one of the greatest men who ever lived. Dr. David Jeremiah devotes this message to David, described in Scripture as “a man after God’s own heart.” What can we learn from David’s storied life, his vibrant faith and his monumental challenges? Covers I Samuel 8:1 - 15:35. From the series The Tender Warrior.

The Tender Warrior

Message 1: Introduction to David

He is the central figure of the Old Testament – one of the greatest men who ever lived. Dr. David Jeremiah devotes this message to David, described in Scripture as “a man after God’s own heart.” What can we learn from David’s storied life, his vibrant faith and his monumental challenges? Covers I Samuel 8:1 - 15:35. From the series The Tender Warrior.


Introduction to David

He is the central figure of the Old Testament – one of the greatest men who ever lived. Dr. David Jeremiah devotes this message to David, described in Scripture as “a man after God’s own heart.” What can we learn from David’s storied life, his vibrant faith and his monumental challenges? Covers I Samuel 8:1 - 15:35. From the series The Tender Warrior.


Man Appoints, but God Anoints

If you want a sure-fire recipe for disappointment, just follow your will instead of God’s. Dr. David Jeremiah illustrates how the people of Israel followed that recipe, and how God offered deliverance through His unlikely choice of the humble shepherd boy, David. Covers I Samuel 16:1-13. From the series The Tender Warrior.


Saul's Moods and David's Music

If you’ve noticed how certain songs can change your mood, bring you comfort or give voice to your worship, then you’ve experienced the power of music. Dr. David Jeremiah reveals how God used young David’s gift of music to soothe the spirit of the king. Covers I Samuel 16:14-23. From the series The Tender Warrior.


When Two Giants Meet

Everyone knows the story of David and Goliath. But if you think it’s just about good conquering evil, or the underdog defeating the favorite, you’re missing the big picture. Dr. David Jeremiah brings that picture into focus with a look at the themes and context that make the story even more meaningful for believers. Covers I Samuel 17:1-38. From the series The Tender Warrior.


The High Cost of Success

For most people, achieving success requires hard work and perseverance. But the real price of success is often paid afterward, when the headlines and spotlights go away. Dr. David Jeremiah considers the challenges young David faced following his victory over Goliath. Covers I Samuel 17:55 - 18:16. From the series The Tender Warrior.


The Fugitive

As a Christian, it’s easy to be faithful when things are going well for you. But do you trust God just as fervently when the pressure is on? Dr. David Jeremiah continues his series on David, who struggles – as we all sometimes do – to remain faithful in the face of trouble. Covers I Samuel 18:17 - 19:24. From the series The Tender Warrior.


Reaching an All-Time Low

How do you react when a Christian is caught in sin? Do you find yourself wondering about the genuineness of their faith? Dr. David Jeremiah shares more from the life of young David, who fell more than once into sin yet is known as a man after God’s own heart. Covers I Samuel 21:1 - 22:23. From the series The Tender Warrior.


A Prayer from a Cave

As David sat in the cave, contemplating what had gone wrong in his life, he decided to write out his feelings in a psalm. His words capture the intense depression he suffered, but they also present a plan for moving out of that depression and toward a new attitude in the Lord. I Samuel 22:1-2 and Psalm 142


How to Treat Your Enemy

The world says that it’s our right, it’s sweet, and it’s a dish that’s best served cold. But what does the Bible say about revenge? Dr. David Jeremiah returns to the book of First Samuel and shares the surprising choice a young fugitive made when given the perfect chance to take revenge on his pursuer. Covers I Samuel 24:1-22 & Psalm 7:1-17. From the series The Tender Warrior.


David and Abigail

Have you noticed what happens when anger is left unchecked? It escalates far beyond what’s reasonable, often leading to a catastrophic overreaction. Dr. David Jeremiah illustrates one such example from the life of young David, which was later diffused in a way you can apply to your life today. Covers I Samuel 25:1-44. From the series The Tender Warrior.


David's Deep Depression

David, tired of being chased by Saul daily, eventually gave in to his depression. Rather than listening to God, he listened to the voice in his head that told him to quit. He moved away from Israel, and at the same time moved away from God. Covers I Samuel 27 and 30. From the series The Tender Warrior.


Two Men in Misery

Every time we move away from God, we move toward trouble. David had moved away, and it landed him in the middle of the enemy camp. Saul had moved away, and it cost him his kingdom. Where the lives of these two men intersect, we find a lesson about the importance of remaining close to God. Covers I Samuel 28 and 29. From the series The Tender Warrior,


Saul's Suicide

The life of Saul is the story of one man's journey away from God. A man who started out with the Spirit of the Lord chose to move away from God and toward his own destruction . Covers I Samuel 31. From the series The Tender Warrior.


A Eulogy for an Enemy

When Saul fell in battle, the mantle of leadership passed to David. He first heard about the king's death from a messenger who tried to manipulate the information for his own good. Upon hearing the news, David mourned the death of the king and sang a song in memory of him. Covers 2 Samuel 1. From the series The Tender Warrior.


David the King

When David became king of Israel, he was finally able to take on the role he had been promised years earlier. But in doing so, he left us an example as to how we should act when we also experience victory. Rather than forgetting the past and wielding power in triumph, David sought the Lord, kept his promises, and put his faith in God. Covers 2 Samuel 2-5. From the series The Tender Warrior.


God's Work- God's Way

One of the first things David wanted to accomplish in his kingdom was to restore the ark of the covenant to it rightful place in Jerusalem. But in going to retrieve the Ark, he made some serious mistakes. David learned that if we are to do God's work, it must be done God's way. Covers 2 Samuel 6. From the series The Tender Warrior.


When Your Dream Dies

Every man has a dream to accomplish something great, and David was no exception. He dreamed of creating a great house for God and took steps to begin construction. But the Lord intervened in David's plan, keeping him from completing his grand dream. Covers 2 Samuel 17. From the series The Tender Warrior.


David and Bathsheba

When David was at the height of his power, he fell into the depths of sin. A careful study of the biblical record reveals that it was not a sudden fall but a long slow descent that David made worse by trying to cover it up. Covers 2 Samuel 11. From the series The Tender Warrior.


The Scar Tissue of Sin

After David sinned, he had plenty of time to reflect on his situation. His sin had taken away his peace and joy, robbing him of fellowship with God. As we explore the way David was forced to deal with his sin, we find principles for our own lives and are reminded of the forgiveness the Lord displays to all who come to Him in repentance. Covers 2 Samuel 12. From the series The Tender Warrior.


David and Absolom

King David was warned that his sin would have serious consequences. One of them being was that his family would be divided. When his sons began following their father's example, all sorts of trouble was created within the household of David. Covers 2 Samuel 13-18. From the series The Tender Warrior.


Counting Noses

In recent years we have watched a number of big name leaders in all fields fall into disgrace. This problem is almost always pride - each of them put themselves into positions where they no longer had to listen to anybody. Their pride led to their fall. That's exactly what happened to King David. In this lesson, we will examine one of his greatest mistakes, how he blundered into it, and what he did to resolve it. Covers 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21. From the series The Tender Warrior.


Passing on the Torch

We will all leave a legacy behind. The question is, how will we be remembered? Will our lives encourage others to get involved in the work of God? David learned to serve the Lord with integrity and skillfulness. Covers 1 Chronicles 22. From the series The Tender Warrior.

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