Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through September

Every three months we offer a new set of select radio series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

6 Messages

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The Importance of Worship

My Heart's Desire

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The Importance of Worship

6 Messages
22 Messages

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Introduction to David

The Tender Warrior

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Introduction to David

22 Messages
12 Messages

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Joshua's Great Commission

A Nation in Crisis

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Joshua's Great Commission

12 Messages
12 Messages

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The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

The Word: David Jeremiah's Signature Series on the Bible

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The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

12 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

September topic: Encouragement

Access the Bible Strong Living Library now to hear Dr. Jeremiah’s insight on a wide variety of biblical topics, and stock up on the helpful topic resources that are included with each volume.

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The Word: David Jeremiah's Signature Series on the Bible

Message 1: The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

The most potent power source on earth isn’t a new technology from the mind of man… it’s a love letter from the heart of God! Dr. David Jeremiah begins his series, The Word, with a look at the life-changing impact you can experience by reading and obeying the Bible. Covers Revelation 3:7-13.

The Word: David Jeremiah's Signature Series on the Bible

Message 1: The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

The most potent power source on earth isn’t a new technology from the mind of man… it’s a love letter from the heart of God! Dr. David Jeremiah begins his series, The Word, with a look at the life-changing impact you can experience by reading and obeying the Bible. Covers Revelation 3:7-13.


The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

The most potent power source on earth isn’t a new technology from the mind of man… it’s a love letter from the heart of God! Dr. David Jeremiah begins his series, The Word, with a look at the life-changing impact you can experience by reading and obeying the Bible. Covers Revelation 3:7-13.


Gaining Insight Into God’s Word

If you think years of education are needed to comprehend God’s Word, think again. The gospel simply can’t be understood through human intellect alone. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah considers the wisdom of God and how it differs from the wisdom of the world. Covers 2 Timothy 3:14-17.


How to Receive the Word of God

You say that you’ve heard, read, and studied the Word of God, and that’s great. But have you received it? If not, you’re missing its life-changing potential. Dr. David Jeremiah turns to First Thessalonians for guidance on moving beyond mere head-knowledge and into heart-knowledge of God’s Word. Covers 1 Thessalonians 2:13.


God Carved His Love in Stone

You’ve probably been inspired by stories of God helping the heroes of the Bible with His power. But did you know that the same power is also available to you? Dr. David Jeremiah examines the incredible power that’s unleashed when you move from merely reading God’s Word to applying it to your life. Covers Exodus 20:1-17.


What the Bible Will Do for You

It is a sword and a seed. A hammer and honey. A mirror and milk – just a few of the metaphors that describe God’s Word, the Bible. Dr. David Jeremiah turns the spotlight on the many facets of this life-changing book, explaining both what the Bible is and what it does in the life of a believer. Covers selected Scriptures.


The Sword of the Spirit

You might be familiar with Paul’s teaching on “the whole armor of God.” But one piece— the sword—stands out as the only offensive weapon. Dr. David Jeremiah considers that weapon that every believer can count on for help in defeating the enemy. Covers Ephesians 6:17.


What the Bible Says About Salvation

Do you leave reminders for yourself to remember things? That’s actually biblical—even God’s Word has reminders to help you remember your salvation! Dr. David Jeremiah examines one of those reminders from Ephesians chapter two—a reminder that covers your past, your present, and your future. Covers Ephesians 2:1-10.


The Word’s Greatest Text

One verse conveys the most vital information God would ever communicate. It sums up the entire Bible. And you’ve known it by heart since childhood. Dr. David Jeremiah takes a closer look at John 3:16 and how it reflects the many facets of God’s love.


Is There Only One Gospel?

Many people, including some Christians, believe salvation is determined, in part, by their behavior. It’s a popular opinion, but it’s dead wrong. Dr. David Jeremiah considers this problem of legalism and compares it to what’s taught in God’s Word. Covers Galatians 1:1-9.


A Book That Will Change Your Life

Good books can change your worldview, touch your heart or feed your mind. But there’s only one Book that can truly and completely change your life. Dr. David Jeremiah explains what it is about the Bible that makes it so universally dynamic yet also deeply personal. Covers Psalm 19:7-11.


The Written Word

If you’re a Christian, you know the value of reading the Bible. But have you ever written the Bible by transcribing it word-for-word on paper? Dr. David Jeremiah explains why the process of writing from the Bible in your own hand is such a powerful way of working God’s Word into your heart. Covers Deuteronomy 17:18-20.


The Last Invitation in the Bible

The gospel is so profound that it demands a response. All who encounter it must decide to accept it or reject it and live with the consequences for eternity. Covers Revelation 22:17-21.

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