The giants we face have different names: Fear. Discouragement. Loneliness. Worry. Guilt. Temptation. Anger. Resentment. Doubt. Procrastination. Failure. Jealousy. Call them what you will; they’re only giants, after all, like Goliath. He was a shade over nine feet tall, but it only added up to a bigger dent in the pavement once he fell. The bigger they come, the harder they fall.

Rapture practice, 6:30 PM, Wednesday

Can you imagine...

walking into church one Sunday and seeing this announcement posted on the bulletin board?

The amazing reality

Can you imagine...

walking into church one Sunday and seeing this announcement posted on the bulletin board?

oh, I know it might seem silly think about attending a rehearsal for the Rapture—but here’s the amazing reality:

God’s Word outlines ten ways we should be preparing for Christ’s return!

And when you think about it, it only makes sense...rehearsal just means getting ready for something—it’s preparation for a future event. And that is exactly what we should be doing in light of Christ’s return.

From David Jeremiah

Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World

Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World

There’s no question about it: we live in a world that is often a scary place to be. Many of us try to drown out our troubles with all sorts of distractions—anything to avoid the gnawing fear.

In Hope, Dr. David Jeremiah makes the case that we don’t need to live that way. There is an unshakable hope—a rock-solid foundation—that will never fail us.

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Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World


Discover 7 Principles for Courageous Living

Move from Fear to Fear Not

There’s no question about it: we live in a world that is often a scary place to be. From global concerns to personal challenges like medical trouble, family problems, job insecurity, hurtful habits, or the future, trouble is everywhere we look.

God is not silent on the topic of fear. And here’s the good news: His Word can equip you to move from fear to “Fear Not!”

Hope Book Complete Teaching Series
Move from Fear to Fear Not

Who Can we Pray for?

Someone in your life needs to know Jesus better.

Send us the name of a loved one who needs to know Jesus—or needs to know Him better—and we’ll join you in prayer for them.

63,605 names have been submitted so far!

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The Jesus
May Not
Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World

Anxiety? Worry? Depression?

At some point in our lives, all of us will find ourselves at the end of our rope, facing the storms of life: utter failure, financial collapse, debilitating illness, or heartbreaking loss.

Hope explores each of these life-shattering scenarios and shows how a simple and profound trust in God can be the steady anchor for our souls. There is hope, and it is within reach. In these pages, you will find:

  • Hope in the Midst of the Storm
  • Hope After Failure
  • Hope During a Financial Collapse
  • Hope Amid Serious Illness
  • Hope When Facing Disaster
  • Your Ultimate Hope
Request Now
Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World

Anxiety? Worry? Depression?

At some point in our lives, all of us will find ourselves at the end of our rope, facing the storms of life: utter failure, financial collapse, debilitating illness, or heartbreaking loss.

In his new book, Hope, David Jeremiah explores each of these life-shattering scenarios and shows how a simple and profound trust in God can be the steady anchor for our souls. There is hope, and it is within reach. On these pages, you will find:

  • Hope in the Midst of the Storm
  • Hope After Failure
  • Hope During a Financial Collapse
  • Hope Amid Serious Illness
  • Hope When Facing Disaster
  • Your Ultimate Hope
Request Now
Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World

Discover 7 Principles for Courageous Living

There’s no question about it: we live in a world that is often a scary place to be. From global concerns to personal challenges like medical trouble, family problems, job insecurity, hurtful habits, or the future, trouble is everywhere we look.

God is not silent on the topic of fear. And here’s the good news: His Word can equip you to move from fear to “Fear Not!”

In his new book, Hope, David Jeremiah explores each of these life-shattering scenarios and shows how a simple and profound trust in God can be the steady anchor for our souls. There is hope, and it is within reach. On these pages, you will find:

  • Hope in the Midst of the Storm
  • Hope After Failure
  • Hope During a Financial Collapse
  • Hope Amid Serious Illness
  • Hope When Facing Disaster
  • Your Ultimate Hope
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Does Fear Ever Go Away?

Asking for a friend

In 2020 the most searched word on a popular Bible app was fear. As COVID-19 surged around the globe, fears for health and safety were matched by concerns for the economy, mental health, education, and more. Many who avoided the disease found themselves crippled by anxiety.

Christians were not and are not immune. Conquering fear is not a one-time journey. It is a path that each of us must take again and again as new fears arise to block our way. Right now, someone in your life is probably overwhelmed with anxiety.

In Hope, Dr. David Jeremiah explores the fears holding us back. This book can equip you to minister personally to someone whom God has placed in your sphere of influence. As you explore what the Bible says about fear, you will begin to see God’s power and love guarding your every step—and empowering you to reach others with unshakable hope.

Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World
The Jesus You May Not Know


There's no question about it

... we live in a world that is often a scary place to be. When we face these fears that prompt us to pull the covers over our heads and retreat from the world, what will we put our hope in? Will we exert our energy in wishful thinking, crossing our fingers that our circumstances will change? Will we hold our breath in the hope that luck will go our way this time?

Biblical hope is not wishful thinking. It’s not a lucky chance. It’s not ungrounded optimism. No, it’s a rock-solid belief in the character of God. That’s not to say we are guaranteed rosebushes without thorns or a life free from tragedy or disaster. But because we know that God is all-knowing and all-powerful and for us, we can face down our fears and trust the outcome of our circumstances to Him.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” The antidote to fear is faith. And faith gives us hope in the midst of whatever scary thing we face.

... we live in a world that is often a scary place to be. When we face these fears that prompt us to pull the covers over our heads and retreat from the world, what will we put our hope in? Will we exert our energy in wishful thinking, crossing our fingers that our circumstances will change? Will we hold our breath in the hope that luck will go our way this time?

Biblical hope is not wishful thinking. It’s not a lucky chance. It’s not ungrounded optimism. No, it’s a rock-solid belief in the character of God. That’s not to say we are guaranteed rosebushes without thorns or a life free from tragedy or disaster. But because we know that God is all-knowing and all-powerful and for us, we can face down our fears and trust the outcome of our circumstances to Him.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” The antidote to fear is faith. And faith gives us hope in the midst of whatever scary thing we face.

When the apostle Paul was giving counsel to Timothy, his young protégé, he knew Timothy was afraid of something— probably of his assignment to lead the large church in Ephesus. Timothy was raised in a small town in Asia Minor, and Ephesus was the big city. Paul himself had spent three years in Ephesus, building up the church there. It was led by a strong group of elders, yet false teachers were causing trouble. And Timothy was supposed to go in and be the leader of the whole thing. What young pastor wouldn’t have felt fear at the prospect?

So what did Paul tell Timothy? “Your fear is not from God. What do come from God are power, love, and a stable mental attitude” (2 Timothy 1:7, my paraphrase).

Paul knew that when we get God’s perspective on the source of our fear, we can set aside what is not from Him and embrace what is. In all my years of following Christ, studying the Bible, and pastoring well-intentioned Christians, I have yet to find a fear for which God does not have an answer. And the reason is simple: God Himself is the answer to all our fears.

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Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World Set

Tackle Nine of Life's Most Persistent Fears

What Are You Afraid Of?

Disaster. Disease. Debt. Defeat. Disconnection. Disapproval. Danger. Depression. Death.

Fear is natural. It prompts us to back away from a barking dog and lock our doors at night. But for many people, it becomes crippling. In this series, Dr. Jeremiah explores the nine fears that hold so many of us back from the life God has called us to live and then shares the one fear that will enable us to understand the One we worship in a brand-new way.

When you request the Living Fearlessly Set, not only will you receive Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World, but you will also receive Dr. Jeremiah’s complete What Are You Afraid Of? teaching series on CD or DVD and a correlating study guide for personal or group study.

Request your set today and receive a FREE digital copy of this message series automatically in your online account.

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HOPE is more than a book…

It’s a life-giving truth that is at the heart of Turning Point’s Spring Teaching Campaign.

You won’t want to miss any of the teaching series from Making Sense of It All: Seeing the World With a Biblical Perspective, as Dr. David Jeremiah challenges you to rise above your circumstances, overcome your fears, stay strong, and stay the course for God in a culture of uncertainty.

Join us and let’s see how the Lord will move in the days ahead!

About the author

David Jeremiah

Dr. David Jeremiah is one of America’s most trusted Bible teachers.

For more than 40 years, he has helped millions deepen their understanding of the Bible through 4,552 daily Turning Point Radio releases and a daily Turning Point Television program that reaches millions of people globally.

Dr. Jeremiah has authored many books, including Overcomer, Everything You Need, The Book of Signs, Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven, and Forward.

Dr. David Jeremiah

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Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World

Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World Book

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Living Fearlessly Set


With A gift of CAD $65 or More:

Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World, 224 pages (softcover)

– David Jeremiah’s complete What Are You Afraid Of? teaching series on your choice of CD or DVD

– Audio or video digital access to the What Are You Afraid Of? teaching series

What Are You Afraid Of? study guide, 144 pages (softcover)

Fear to Fear Not bookmark

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Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World

Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World Book

With your Gift of any Amount
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– A softcover copy of Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World, 224 pages

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Living Fearlessly Set


With A gift of CAD $65 or More:

Hope: Living Fearlessly in a Scary World, 224 pages (softcover)

– David Jeremiah’s complete What Are You Afraid Of? teaching series on your choice of CD or DVD

– Audio or video digital access to the What Are You Afraid Of? teaching series

What Are You Afraid Of? study guide, 144 pages (softcover)

Fear to Fear Not bookmark

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