Price: CAD $16.00

Tried, Tested & Triumphant - Volume 1
Study Guide

Tried, Tested & Triumphant - Volume 2
Study Guide
Tried, Tested & Triumphant - Volumes 1 & 2

Price: CAD $16.00
Beyond the image of suffering and loss that is so connected to Job, there is a full picture of faith and God's grace that is also integral to his story.
Dr. David Jeremiah calls Job "the original self-help book." Unlike the countless self-help books that line the shelves, this one was written under the inspiration of the Creator of the universe. In Tried, Tested, and Triumphant, Dr. Jeremiah takes us verse by verse, chapter by chapter through Job's challenging journey in a 2-volume study that is certain to be enlightening and encouraging to us as we deal with times of suffering in our own lives.

Tried, Tested & Triumphant - Volume 1
Study Guide