Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through September

Every three months we offer a new set of select radio series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

6 Messages

Unlock Message:

The Importance of Worship

My Heart's Desire

Unlock Message:

The Importance of Worship

6 Messages
22 Messages

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Introduction to David

The Tender Warrior

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Introduction to David

22 Messages
12 Messages

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Joshua's Great Commission

A Nation in Crisis

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Joshua's Great Commission

12 Messages
12 Messages

Unlock Message:

The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

The Word: David Jeremiah's Signature Series on the Bible

Unlock Message:

The Power of God’s Word in Your Life

12 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

September topic: Encouragement

Access the Bible Strong Living Library now to hear Dr. Jeremiah’s insight on a wide variety of biblical topics, and stock up on the helpful topic resources that are included with each volume.

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My Heart's Desire

Message 1: The Importance of Worship

The hurry-up world we live in means people rarely take time to read the directions, and the same in unfortunately true in the Christian life. We forge ahead to service, fellowship, study, evangelism, and missions without ever stopping to complete step #1: Worship.

My Heart's Desire

Message 1: The Importance of Worship

The hurry-up world we live in means people rarely take time to read the directions, and the same in unfortunately true in the Christian life. We forge ahead to service, fellowship, study, evangelism, and missions without ever stopping to complete step #1: Worship.


The Importance of Worship

The hurry-up world we live in means people rarely take time to read the directions, and the same in unfortunately true in the Christian life. We forge ahead to service, fellowship, study, evangelism, and missions without ever stopping to complete step #1: Worship.


What is Worship?

It is politically correct to say that everyone is free to worship God in his own way. Granted, people are free to "ascribe worth" to anyone or anything. But Scripture is clear: There is only one God, and He alone is to be worshipped, in spirit and in truth.


The Wonder of Worship

When was the last time you stopped and reveled in a sunset? Or explored the intricacies of a flower in the garden? Many people have lost the ability to be amazed at the greatness of God. There is a direct correlation between childlike wonder at God and the ability to worship Him for who He is.


The Sacrifice of Worship

Some people think sacrifice means going to church in the rain. But worship in Scripture conveys a different kind of cost; one that the worshipper bears personally. What we are willing to sacrifice is an indicator of the value we place on the object of our worship. Genesis 22


The Endless Song of Worship

Ever wonder why Madison Avenue uses jingles and songs to sell products to the American consumer? It's because the human mind remembers words and melodies more easily than plain speech. That God-given ability finds its chief application in worship.


The Song Continues

Instead of great singing, some Christians claim just to be making a "joyful noise," unto the Lord. Since God is more concerned with the heart than the art, that's okay. But every believer should use the gift of melody and music to worship God. Ephesians 5:18-19; Colossians 3:16

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